Parking Guidelines

In Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi, city parking is partially paid. Detailed Guidelines below:

Tbilisi parking guideline

Parking in Tbilisi

There are three main types of parking in Tbilisi:

1. Municipal parking with hourly payment - you can recognize such parking by the presence of an additional rectangular sign indicating the parking zone number and the hourly rate (1 lari per hour, shown on the picture at right side)). This parking must be paid from the moment you park your car.

Payment can be made in three ways:

  • Download the Tbilisi Parking app on your phone, register there, and pay independently.
  • Through the government website (not the easiest way, as the website is not translated into English or other languages).
  • Write/call us, provide the parking number and car number. IMPORTANT! When leaving the parking space, inform us that you are leaving so that we can deactivate the payment meter.

2. Municipal parking with subscription payment. Without a parking zone number sign(photo at the right), but with the same set of signs indicating parking permission and how to park, these are areas with subscription parking. All our cars have such subscriptions. In these zones, you can park freely without fear of receiving a fine.

3. Non-municipal parking, indicated simply by a parking sign and possibly a sign indicating how to park. Absolutely free parking.

Parking in Batumi

Batumi also has municipal paid parking, but payment is made not by the hour, but by the day. Parking in Batumi costs:

  • 1 day - 10 lari
  • 7 days - 20 lari
  • 30 days - 30 lari
  • 182 days - 45 lari

Payment can be made:

Parking in Kutaisi

Parking in Kutaisi can be paid for by the hour or by the day/several days.


  • Up to an hour - 0.5 GEL
  • Up to 3 hours - 1 GEL
  • 1 day - 2 GEL
  • 7 days - 5 GEL
  • 30 days - 10 GEL
  • 182 days - 30 GEL

Payment can be made: